I'm Ready for You, 2013
Image credit: https://www.pexels.com/@freestocks
The transition from one year to another is a good prompt for reviewing goals and plans for the year past and setting objectives for the year ahead.
Yes, I know years are arbitrary measurings of time. What difference, really, between December 31 of one annum and January 1 of another?
Nevertheless, without a prompt, would anything ever happen?
So I've spent December musing over how I tracked against my goals for 2012 and thinking through what I want in 2013—and in life in general. It's a good process. A thoughtful process.
As much as I did manage to accomplish, I didn't achieve everything I set out to achieve in 2012.
In more than one case, heading for one goal showed me another, preferable objective that I wouldn't have found otherwise.
Life is a journey. The surprises along the way make it all worthwhile.
In other cases, I didn't quite hit stretch targets. My accountability partner will say, "Why not?" As long as the goal is realistic, I should be able to achieve it if I throw my full force in its direction. So yes: Why didn't I reach it? Did I really want it, after all, or did something else bring me to think I wanted it? And if I did really want it, what held me back?
For 2013, I've changed my focus a little, based on what I've learned about myself and what I want out of life through a hindsight review of 2012.
In addition to some aggressive business goals—mainly focused on continued revenue and team growth—I intend to
continue to build my life on pillars of integrity, peace, and empathy;
further strengthen valued relationships and build new ones;
keep writing; and
increase my comfort in my own skin.
This is the nutshell version. The goals document itself is a solid three pages. Single spaced.
How about you? What would you like for 2013?