I don’t e-mail my mailing list every time I post something on this site.
Doing so would overwhelm everyone, including me.
And I don’t send The Letter with a long list of links to everything I’ve published between one e-mail and the next, either.
Instead, your subscription to The Letter gets you a personal e-mail from me with cultural and historical observations on approximately a monthly basis.
I write The Letter as I’d write an e-mail to friends—because I consider everyone who has signed up for my e-mail list as a friend. (Hey, if you join me on my meanderings, you are indeed a friend.)
If you subscribe, no one other than me will ever receive or use your e-mail address.
I do not sell or share my e-mail address list for this site with anyone and never will.
Yay for new connections!
Thank you for signing up for The Letter. I’ll try to keep it interesting.
Me at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. August 19, 2022.