Why You Need a Business Restaurant
A view of the sushi bar at Soma, my main business restaurant. September 6, 2013.
If you entertain for business—whether partners, clients, or employees—you should have a standard go-to restaurant.
By all means, go somewhere else if the guest prefers. Yet when inviting someone for a meal, you should always suggest a place. And your suggestion should always be your business restaurant: a place not so flashy or pricey that the guest doesn’t wonder about your expense account or worry she missed the invitation’s special occasion, but nice enough to provide a pleasant, relaxed meal.
But why?
Host familiarity. You’ll get seated at choice tables—often with the best servers. Also, he’ll know who you are when people come in separately and ask for you.
Server awareness. The wait staff will know what you like and how you like it when it comes to food and service.
The manager knows your name. You’ll get perks, reservations leverage, and early scoops on new and off-the-menu items.
Cache. The host, server, and manager recognize you? Their attentiveness will help you look important. (In many business situations, cache is a necessary evil).
Toss the menu. Business meals have agendas. When you know the restaurant, you have a handful of go-to dishes. Not worrying about what to order allows you to focus on your guest and the conversation.
You’re truly hosting. When you know the staff and the menu, you can recommend dishes with confidence, which gives your guests a better dining experience.
But I like trying different places, you cry. I’ll get sick of eating at the same place so often.
I hear you. Try every restaurant in town. Just go with friends or colleagues when you’re not entertaining for business.
Do you have a business restaurant?