Month-in-Review Highlights: May 2019
On a lunchtime walk in the Parc de Milan. Lausanne, Switzerland, May 3, 2019.
As mentioned in March 2019, I figure I’ll use this space to share a key highlight or insight from each monthly postmortem. (For more background, read the introductory section to March’s similar article. To read my review of April 2019, click here.)
Maybe springtime really does fulminate new growth—and not just in plants. May 2019 seemed to release new creativity for me, including opportunities to explore, stretch, and grow on business and personal fronts.
The month had its challenges, as every month does, yet I feel it had a broad swath of silver linings as well.
Business Development
Finally, I’ve felt settled enough to venture into building a business network here in Europe, with an eye to finding some European clients with interest in hiring FrogDog to do marketing work for them in the United States. FrogDog has had European clients in the past—and clients from other international regions as well—so I don’t see why I can’t find some solid prospects here now that I spend considerable time in Switzerland.
Also, throughout my career, I’ve found no end to good things coming from business connections of all types and in all places, even when they don’t offer immediate new-business opportunities. The more people you know, the more possibilities you can uncover.
Besides, it should prove interesting to see how people here do business networking. I should uncover at least a few differences to share. (Stay tuned.)
Further on the growth front, May meant a full-court press on a new marketing campaign FrogDog will launch in June. The new campaign aims to expand our client horizons beyond our personal relationships and networking activities. What we’ve developed already looks fantastic in its early stages, and I have a lot of excitement about launching it into the world and seeing where it takes us and what it brings our way.
Personal Project Development
Over the past few months since I relaunched this site, I’ve noodled on a few questions as possible article topics. At first, the ideas seemed disparate—yet, over time and consideration, they’ve slowly coalesced into a project that involves deeper exploration.
Rather than overthink it—and possibly catch myself up in analysis paralysis—I’ll keep it all light and exploratory at first, and I’ll share even the early glimmers of it here. The inquiry will take time and will evolve as the exploration develops. I look forward to having your company on the journey!